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Frequently Asked Questions About Bomb Calorimeter

Debye Technic

Frequently Asked Questions About Bomb Calorimeter

Bomb calorimeter is an analyzer that serves to determine the energy value of solid and liquid fuels. Many questions about the use and usefulness of the bomb calorimeter device come to mind in national and international platforms. In this article, we will try to answer 3 important questions about bomb calorimeter in the sector with our manufacturer identity that dates back years;

FAQs about bomb calorimeter

1.  Why we should use a bomb calorimeter;

A bomb calorimeter is a device used to determine the energy value of fuels. In enterprises, the energy obtained from solid and liquid fuels is used in the supply of steam stands. The energy content of the coal, waste or biofuels to be used in order for the stands to operate efficiently and to ensure energy production must be determined by a bomb calorimeter before they are accepted into operation. In addition, in the research and development processes, the amount of energy released by materials used for pyrotechnic materials, explosives or firearms can also be measured with a bomb calorimeter.


It is mandatory to use a bomb calorimeter device with a wide range of applications to determine the energy efficiency in enterprises or R & D centers.


2.  How to Calculate the Calorific Value;

The bomb calorimeter determines the calorific value. However, the data obtained by bomb calorimeter should be evaluated as raw data. Calculations are made using the formula Qalinan = Qverilen. In order to calculate the lower thermal and upper thermal values, it is necessary to process by taking into account the sulfur, moisture, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen ratios contained in the sample. For more detailed information about the lower and upper thermal value calculations, see the blog ‘Coal Analysis and Coal Analyzers’  you can review our article.


3.  How should the Bomb Calorimeter Be Used;

The bomb calorimeter should be used with the help of an operator (preferably a chemist). By adding 1 g of sample to the system, it can be obtained as a holistic energy value (cal/g) output. The environment in which the bomb calorimeter is located must be stable and the oxygen added to the calorimeter bomb (reactor/analysis chamber) must be at a minimum of 99.5% purity.


Bomb calorimeter analytical devices should be operated by the operator in laboratory environments with constant temperature. The bomb calorimeter devices that we have developed as Debye Technic are almost not affected by the ambient temperature compared to their competitors. With our innovative designs and production processes, we ensure that high-precision results are achieved by maximizing the performance of our devices. You can contact us to get more detailed information about our bomb calorimeter devices.


Debye Technic Ar-Ge Mühendislik Danışmanlık Ltd.Şti 


Ostim OSB Mah. 100.Yıl Bulvarı No:55/E/16 Yenimahalle


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